
tisdag 6 mars 2012

Det omvända klassrummet

Det omvända klassrummet går ut på att göra klassrumslektioner till något mer djupgående, genom att läxor innebär instruktionsvideos och inläsning på ett ämne, innan man går vidare med det i klassrummet. Dagens tekonologi och samhälle uppmuntrar till detta.

Det viktigaste för en lärare är dock fortfarande att låta eleverna lära sig genom att göra, inte genom att observera.

Ramsey Musallam är lärare i San Francisco och bloggar om det omvända klassrummet på, men nedanstående citat hittade jag på, mer exakt här. Citatet beskriver hur viktigt pröva och ompröva är för dagens elever när de blir framtidens arbetstagare och -givare.

On May 25th of this year I underwent a fairly complicated open-heart surgery to correct an aneurysm of my thoracic aorta that was found randomly at a routine check up. The surgery went well, and five months later, minus a long scar down the center of my chest, I rarely think of the physical struggle that was the summer of 2011.
Throughout the process, I was very impressed with the confidence and knowledge my thoracic surgeon embodied. Then one day, it hit me: My surgeon had a teacher! He learned to how to perform my surgery in school! An instructor taught him how to do something, something very, very important, in a very effective way! As a teacher myself, I have a hunch my surgeon didn't learn how to repair my aorta by passively taking in information through a textbook or lecture. Rather, I'm certain his confidence and skill was cultivated through hours of inquiry, trial and error, with strong mentors by his side the whole way. In short, I'm sure he learned by doing, not observing.
We must strive to be facilitators, mentors and guides for our students, as if what we are preparing them for, much like my surgeon, will one day change lives. Any teaching methodology that amplifies this role is a step in the right direction.
Ramsey Musallam, (2012-03-06)

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